New Year’s Productivity Plans not Resolutions

Productivity  |   Minute Read  

New Year's Productivity Plans not Resolutions

Never rest in making people better! That’s a catchy resolution, but it’s not much of a plan. As 2015 begins, we want to share a bit of our productivity plans to make you better. We built the plan using steps 3 & 4 of our 4-step productivity feedback loop mentioned in my last post – Why increase productivity anyway?

  1. Clarify goals
  2. Take action
  3. Measure results
  4. Reflect & repeat

Reflecting on your feedback, we created three pillars of our plan for 2015.

Make It Easy

As we’ve moved from early adopters to mainstream, we definitely see the need to constantly find ways to make things easier for clients.  In 2014, we significantly simplified initial setup and added “guidance emails” based on usage.  We will continue this in 2015 and also streamline the use of TaskClone.

For example, currently to use multiple apps you must input a unique code to each task. While effective, many have found it cumbersome. Soon, the tag you use in Evernote will determine where tasks in that note will go. You could tag it “Todoist” to go there.  Tag it “Asana” and it goes there.  You decide the tag and the destination.

Support, Support, Support

Starting out we knew client support would be critical to our success, but not for the reasons most think. We need to learn our clients and their needs well, sometimes even before they know it.  Great client support has allowed us to begin this and learn so much about our own service.  We’ll be expanding this in three main areas:

  1. Better team. Grow the client support team for hours we don’t yet cover and make their job easier with great tools
  2. Better communication. Interactive slideshows for quick tutorials that allow focus on a single step on each slide.  More beneficial content including blogging, emails, videos, newsletters and a survey.
  3. Better analytics.  This will allow us to understand better how you use our site and service

Spread the word

With a marketing budget of $0,  it’s not surprising many loyal clients asked, “Why didn’t I hear of you sooner?”  Just the other day, I got an email exclaiming, “Now, just kindly market this product so that this business can be wildly successful and continue to solve my problems.”  Our plan is to do just that, but in a way that rewards you![pullquote align=”right”]Now, just kindly market this product so that this business can be wildly successful and continue to solve my problems.[/pullquote]

How? All of the price increase already indicated on the homepage will go to support our new Referral Program.  By sharing a simple link, clients can earn back their entire subscription plus more with just a few referrals.  This should be the ultimate win-win.

There will also be the aforementioned blogging and newsletter. TaskClone was created out of my desire for an Optimized Life. I’m now clear others are seeking the same thing and TaskClone aims to help.

But what about new features?

While we’ll focus on simplicity, we haven’t entirely forgotten those feature junkies out there. Three small but significant updates coming soon.

  1. Web and local links.  Send both a hyperlink (https://) and local Evernote link (evernote:///) to your app. You’ll be able to choose “Both” and click on whichever link works on the platform you’re using at the time.
  2. Same task, multiple destinations. Send the same task to up to three destinations. For some, this will allow an email record of each task.  In apps like Asana and Wrike adding the email of a colleague assigns the task to them.  Cool, we love delegation!   Using the tagging feature mentioned above, you’ll be able to assign tasks to the right person just by adding your chosen Evernote tag (e.g. toDavid).
  3. Evernote business.  Evernote is in the final stages of updating their new developer kit. When it comes out of beta, we’ll launch Evernote business support shortly thereafter.

We are planning to do our part so 2015 is a productive year for you. We want you to live your Optimized Life.

Happy New Year!



About the author 

Troy Christmas

Founder Productivity Apps & | Recovered Attorney | Learner/Teacher | Helping leaders lead productively

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